Experience the Healing Power of Acupuncture
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterilized needles on a set of points on the body. Stimulations of these points will trigger the release of pain-killing chemicals, known as endorphins, which block pain. It also helps the body improve circulation and drain toxins, thus reducing local trauma and improve overall well-being.
Where Do You Put the Needles?
The set of points used in each treatment differs according to patient’s conditions and Acupuncturist’s diagnosis. Needles can be inserted on the head, main torso, legs, arms and ears.
How Will I React to Treatments?
Patients react differently to each treatment. Some may feel immediate relief; others may feel relief in the next few days or weeks. As each of you is unique, so will your healing process. Patients are encouraged to observe if their health complaints have <b>reduced in frequency, duration and intensity</b> over the course of treatments. A reduction in intake of medications, improvement in sleep quality and being less angry or moody are all indicative that you are getting better.

Is Acupuncture Safe?
All California licensed acupuncturists are required by law to use only disposable (single use), sterilized, stainless steel needles when administering treatment. California also has the highest standards of education in the Nation with regards to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Currently, students complete 3,000 hours of combined didactic and clinical education, and must be certified in “Clean Needle Technique”. In addition, students must take a comprehensive exam to graduate in order to receive a Masters Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and to be eligible to sit for the state licensing exam. Once licensed, most pursue specialization such as pain management, gynecology, pediatrics and more. It is this training that enables your licensed acupuncturist to provide you with an extremely safe and effective treatment.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are nearly hair-thin and their insertion typically involves minimal or no pain. Most patients feel a slight prick at the point of needle insertion which dissipates in a few seconds. Often people experience mild warmth, tingling, heaviness, or the sensation of Qi moving within the body. Most people find acupuncture extremely relaxing, and may even fall asleep during treatment.