Optimize Your Hormones for Better Health

Balance Your Mood

Endocrinology is a branch of medicine concerned with the structure, function, and disorders of the endocrine glands. Each of these glands secretes a hormone which in turn affects different organs in the body. A balanced hormone is very important as they affect our overall health. Patients are often more familiar with the thyroid gland BUT our adrenals, parathyroid, pituitary, gonads, and hypothalamus are equally important as well.

If one gland is off, be rest assured others will take a beating sooner or later. For example, it is not uncommon for patients who suffer from adrenal fatigue to have poor sugar handling, which is controlled by the hormone; insulin. Over time, that can lead to a decrease in metabolism and in turn affect your thyroid function.

Hormone Testing

  • Complete Thyroid Hormone Panel: TSH, T3, T4, T3 uptake, FTI, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, Thyroid Peroxides (TPO) Ab, Thyroglobulin, Ab.

  • Saliva Testing: Adrenal Stress Index, Female/Male Hormone Panel, 

  • Hair Mineral Analysis

  • Blood test for HA1C, Vitamin D levels and more

  • Iodine Patch Test

Who Should Get Tested?

If you have several of the symptoms listed below and are not responding to conventional treatments, it is time to evaluate which test would further determine your care:

Recent traumatic life events e.g. divorce, death, loss of job, injury or accidents

Increased forgetfulness

Inability to sleep and/or stay asleep

Overwhelmed with life

Lacks motivation

Decreased concentration


Hair loss

✽ Weight gain and inability to lose weight despite exercising and changing diet

✽ Fatigue

Tired but wired feeling

✽ Depression

Abdominal weight gain

Need more information on balancing your mood?