Dirty Dozen

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) updates this list annually, helping us prioritize which produce to buy organic. The fruits and vegetables that end up on this list are the ones known to carry the most pesticide residue.

The current "Dirty Dozen" includes:

1) Strawberries

2) Spinach

3) Kale, Collard, and Mustard Greens

4) Nectarines

5) Apples

6) Grapes

7) Bell and Hot Peppers

8) Cherries

9) Peaches

10) Pears

11) Celery

12) Tomatoes

Choosing organic versions of these items can be a wise decision since reducing exposure to pesticides supports our hormonal balance and overall health. When the organic version isn't an option, washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water can help minimize pesticide residues. For hard to wash products like grapes, cherries and strawberries, soak them for about 15 minutes in a bowl of water with a splash of white vinegar or a sprinkle of baking soda.


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