Hypothyroid vs Hashimoto's Disease. What is the difference and how will it affect your treatment protocols?


I always emphasize the need for patients to bring in their labs while they are under my care. Numbers don't lie and a lab report is a good snapshot as to what is going on with your health and what it will become if left untreated. Needless to say, prevention is better than cure and it’s easier to nip the problem in the bud before lab results and health symptoms worsen.

Thyroid disorder is quite under diagnosed and generally overlooked. Chief complains like fatigue is often brushed off. However, when patients complain of more severe symptoms like hair loss in their head or eyebrows falling off with unexplained weight gain, doctors may start to pay attention.

According to the American Thyroid Association,  "more than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime. In addition, an estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease and up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.”

Causes of thyroid imbalance:

  1. Stress

  2. Lowered immune function

  3. Sugar regulation

  4. Gastro intestinal stress

  5. Hormone irregularity

  6. Poor metabolism

I have patients who were diagnosed with thyroid disorder as young as in their teens to women in their 40s. Some developed thyroid disorders post-partum when they noticed that their fatigue were unresolved despite adequate rests.

What is a good Thyroid Panel Test?
Ideally, all the test listed below should be ordered before we can make a definitive diagnosis of hypothyroid or Hashimoto's Disease. 

  1. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

  2. Free T3

  3. Free T4

  4. Thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPO)

  5. Total Thyroxine (tT4)

  6. Reverse T3

Having a positive TPO is a confirm diagnosis for Hashimoto's Disease, an auto-immune disease. What it means is that you body has antibodies that is attacking your thyroid. Typically, auto-immune conditions are harder to treat as it is a chronic condition 

Can Thyroid Panel indicate other nutritional deficiency?
Yes, often times the results may point to Iodine or Selenium deficiencies.

What are Low Thyroid Signs & Symptoms?

  1. Constipation

  2. Weight Gain & difficulty losing weight

  3. Fatigue

  4. Morning headache that wears off

  5. Poor circulation

  6. Muscle cramps while resting

  7. Lowered immune system

  8. Dry, brittle hair & hair loss

  9. Poor memory

  10. Facial edema

  11. Increased need for sleep

Patients with thyroid disorder need to be realistic that one acupuncture session with not solve ALL of their health issues. Patients are often treated long term. Initial few months treatment is to stabilize symptoms, then we proceed to detoxification and weight loss protocol. Thereafter, we proceed to maintenance protocols. Some patients may have exacerbation of symptoms while going through treatments. 

If you are ready to take back your life and hate being clueless on what to do with your thyroid health, call us at 909-590-4183.


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