Transformative Wellness Vacation & Retreat Tour Agreement:

Release and Waiver of Liability

Important Legal Document: Read Carefully

I have agreed to participate in the Feb 2025 Transformative Wellness Vacation & Retreat (the Program) hosted by Ida Mat Aris, L.Ac. and Healing Circle Community Acupuncture, Inc. (the Group) in Oaxaca, Mexico (the Host Country). In consideration of being permitted to participate in the Program, I hereby agree to the following conditions established by Ida Mat Aris, L.Ac., and owner of Healing Circle Community Acupuncture, Inc.:

1. Program Orientation: I am responsible for attending the required orientation meeting, submitting all forms and identification materials by the specific date(s), following registration instructions, and complying with requests related to my enrollment.

2. Payment of Fees: I accept the responsibility for coordinating timely payment of fees. I am responsible for making payment of all account balances by the fee deadline. Non-payment of fees will jeopardize my participation in the Program.

3. Costs Related to withdrawal, Dismissal and/or Absence: I shall be solely responsible for any and all costs arising out of my voluntary or involuntary withdrawal or dismissal from the Program prior to its completion, including withdrawal for reasons of health, family emergency, illegal drug or alcohol use or abuse, legal detention, etc., or disciplinary action by official representative(s) of the Group. Costs incurred on my behalf include, but are not limited to, money advanced on my behalf for non-refundable deposits at other institutions, legal documents and special fees.

4. Travel to Program Site: I am responsible for securing travel arrangements that will allow timely arrival to the Program site and for notifying the Group of my itinerary and transportation methods. I am responsible for investigating and applying for appropriate documentation, e.g. passport, visa. I understand that the Group requires that I purchase trip cancellation insurance as protection against the possible cancellation of the Program due to low enrollment, world events, and any other unforeseen events.

5. Itinerary: I understand that, although the Group will attempt to maintain the Program as described in its publications (website, social media, etc.), it reserves the right to change the Program, including the itinerary, travel arrangements, or accommodations, at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.

6. Group Policies: I understand that I am responsible for adhering to established policies, heeding verbal and written announcements, and exhibiting reasonable and acceptable behaviors which show genuine concern for the social patterns of the Host Country culture as well as my personal integrity at scheduled events and on excursions. I further acknowledge that the Group has the sole authority to make decisions regarding the continued participation of any individual whose conduct may necessitate disciplinary action.

7. Drugs: Illegal drugs in any form are not tolerated. Possession or use of illegal drugs may be punishable by fine, imprisonment, and/or deportation. Participants found using or possessing illegal drugs in any form are subject to immediate dismissal.

8. The Host Country: I understand that I will be subject to and I agree to obey the laws, regulations, and policies of the Host Country. I acknowledge that violation of any policy, law, or regulation of the Host may subject me to penalties, including dismissal from the country or other disciplinary action as may be applicable.

9. Health Care and Emergencies: I am responsible for my own healthcare, conduct, financial integrity, and travel plans. In the event of serious illness, accident, or emergency, my designated emergency contact(s), as indicated on the Application Form, may be notified. I also authorize the Group and associates to secure medical treatment on my behalf, including surgery and the administration of an anesthetic and to provide any health information as appropriate.

10. Health insurance: I hereby certify that I am covered with health insurance which I have determined to be adequate and satisfactory for any injury or illness that might befall me while I am participating in the Program. I acknowledge that the Group and its representatives have not made any representations to me concerning the adequacy of my health insurance, and I further accept that it is my sole responsibility to ensure that my health insurance coverage is adequate for my needs.

11. Disability Accommodations: I accept the responsibility for registering with the Group to determine eligibility for services and accommodations related to disabilities, if appropriate.

12. Personal Responsibility: Although the Group is coordinating this Program, I understand that neither the Group, nor any of the associates, instructors, or travel arrangers will be supervising me at all times. I will have the opportunity and the right to independently leave the group periodically, subject to the requirements for participation in and attendance and other activities that are a required part of the Program. Therefore, I will be responsible for my own safety and cannot hold the Group, the Program, or any associates liable for any injuries to my person or property or any other losses as a result of my participation in the Program.

13. Assumption of Risk: I hereby acknowledge that I am fully aware that there are risks inherent in my participation in the Program, and I willingly and voluntarily assume such risks. These risks may include, but are not limited to, accidents, criminal activity, civil disorder, personal injury, and death. I have made myself aware of the physical requirements necessary for participation in the Program, and I certify that I possess all of the necessary physical abilities, experience, training, and knowledge. I am aware that the Group does not warrant the condition or adequacy of any equipment, premises, vehicle, or mode of transportation for any purpose. I agree that the privilege of participating in the Program is a valuable opportunity, and in partial consideration of that opportunity I hereby forever release and discharge from liability of any kind arising out of my participation in, preparation for, or travel associated with the Program, the Group, the Program Coordinator, and all associates. As a part of the consideration for my participation in the above-referenced Program, I hereby covenant not to sue any of the above-named released parties for any cause of action arising out of my participation in the event.

14. Third-party Liability: I understand that the Group, the Program and any associates do not represent or act as agents for, and cannot control the acts or omissions of, any host institution, transportation carrier, hotel, tour organizer or other provider of goods or services involved in the Program. I understand that the Group and the Program Coordinator and associates are not responsible for matters that are beyond their control, and I hereby release the Group. the Program Coordinator and all associates from any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay, or expense arising from any such matters.

15. Indemnification. I will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Group, the Program, and any associates from and against any and all losses, liability, claims, judgments, and damages caused by or arising out of my own acts or omissions.

16. I agree that should any provision or aspect of this agreement be found to be unenforceable, all remaining provisions of the agreement will remain in full force and effect.

17. I represent that my agreement to the provisions herein is wholly voluntary, and further understand that, prior to signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have the right to consult with the adviser, counselor, or attorney of my choice.

18. I agree that, should there be any dispute concerning my participation in the Program that would require the adjudication of a court of law, such adjudication will occur in the courts of, and be determined by the laws of, the State of California without regard to choice of law provisions of the laws of any other state or country.

19. This agreement represents my complete understanding concerning the Group’s, the Program’s and associates’ responsibility and liability for my participation in the Program as well as my disclosure of my medical history, supersedes any previous or contemporaneous understandings I may have had with the Group on this subject, whether written or oral, and may not be changed or amended in any way except by written agreement of the parties.

20. I represent that I am at least eighteen years of age.