Hair Mineral Analysis Reveals your Heavy Metal Toxic Load


Do you want to know much heavy metals you are exposed to and their respective concentration in your body?
I recently started testing patients’ hair to analyze their macro and micro nutrient levels and ratios and their exposure to heavy metal toxicity (aluminum, cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury). Almost 95% of all patients tested indicated a significant exposure to aluminum compared to mercury and lead. 90% of patients struggle with blood sugar handling, and we are able to identify potential hypo/hyper thyroid, hyper/hypo adrenal and any malabsorption or digestive issues.
The individualized hair mineral analysis results have helped me formulate a treatment plan and strategy to help patients with their health concerns. Some patients may need to get their heavy metal toxicity cleared first to help them function better. Others need global nutritional support to increase their micro nutrients and to rebalance their endocrine system.
Helping patients function better and stay well is our top priority. Please call 909.590.4183 to schedule your appointment. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the hair to analyzed. You will be contacted to review your results and to develop a treatment/ nutritional strategy.
What Can Hair Mineral Analysis Measure?

  • Nutrient Minerals

  • Toxic Metals

  • Significant Mineral Ratios Including:

    • Blood Sugar

    • Thyroid

    • Adrenal

    • Sex Hormones

    • Digestive Minerals

  • Additional Minerals

Why Hair Analysis vs. Blood Test?
Blood tests are subject to daily fluctuations due to foods eaten the previous day, emotional states, etc. Hair analysis will not vary from day to day, and provides a long-term metabolic blueprint.
How can you Prepare?
Hair should be dry when it is being sampled.  Otherwise, it cannot be weighed correctly.  The sample should be taken between four and twenty hours after washing.  This allows the hair to re-equilibrate after washing.  Hair that has not been washed for more than four or five days is more prone to environmental contamination.  Most shampoos, rinses, conditioners, tints, sprays, and other hair products do not affect the test.   However, it is best to wash the hair at least 6-8 times after a color treatment before sampling.


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