Support During Cold, Rainy, Windy SoCal Weather


Thanks to the windy, rainy and cold weather in the last two weeks, our phones have been ringing off the hook. Patients called in for help with pain in their joints, cough with our without phlegm and general malaise. 

Here are a few things you can do to get ahead of the flu season and stay healthy:

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Water is life. Make sure you drink half of your body weight in fluid ounces.

2. Up your vegetables intake
The more colorful your plate is the better. The micronutrients in vegetables cannot be denied for long term health goals. Add ginger to all of your cooking. A few slices of them will go a long way. Ginger has a calmative effect, anti nausea and strong digestive support

3. Wear a scarf, hoodie or hat
Protect your neck at all costs. Exposure of your neck to the wind and elements may stiffen your muscles and lead to headaches.

4. Get enough sleep
Sleep early and avoid any stimulants an hour or two before sleeping. Put away all electronic devices and turn off notifications so that you can have a restful sleep.

5. Exercise 
Try to squeeze in a minimum of 25 minutes of exercise daily. Do what you like. It can be as easy as Qigong/Taichi, aerobics, Zumba or just lifting weights. Bottom line, get moving. 

If you do get sick, here is what you should do :

  1. Check your medicine cabinet. Make sure you have these formulas in them :
    Astra C, Echinacea Premium, Congaplex, Calcium Lactate and Immuplex

  2. Call us at 909.590.4183 so that we can advice you on the dosages.

  3. Get acupuncture tune-up treatments and cupping. Your body will love you.


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